Pasive : a newspaper read about economy by john
2. Active : tio send a money to joko
2. Active : tio send a money to joko
Pasive : a money sent to joko by tio
3. Active : joko study accounting in library
Pasive : accounting was study by joko in libarary
4. Active : mary helps the boy for economy homework
Pasive : the boy is helped by mary for economy homework
5. Active : tio saving the money in the bank
Pasive : the money being saved by tono in bank
6. Active : i am studying accounting now
Pasive : accounting is being studied by me now
7. Active : tio redealth the contracts for business yesterday
Pasive : a contracts for business was redealth by tio yesterday
8. Active : my brother sell a toys
Pasive : a toys sold by my brother
9. Active : martha buy a new apartment
Pasive : a new apartment bought by martha
10. Active : rio get profit from sales
Pasive : a profit got by rio from sales